Beard plague prevention: How to avoid itching, red bumps, irritation, ingrown hairs ...

... and everything else that irritates your skin after shaving.
We've gathered our top tips below, where you'll also find
our step-by-step guide to the perfect (and hassle-free) shave.

What causes the problem?

Staphylococcus is a very common and very mild strain of bacteria that lives on the skin of most people. Shaving causes tiny little abrasions where bacteria can get in and cause localised infection under the skin. This is known as shaving rash, razor rash, barber’s rash or beard rash. Want to learn more? Click here to read the article “Sycosis, Schmycosis. It’s actually no laughing matter – but what is it then?”

What can you do about it?

If you follow a few simple tips before, during and after shaving, you can avoid many of the irritating skin problems associated with shaving. And ShaveSafe is definitely part of the cure, but you can read more about that below (or click here if you can’t wait).

Precautions when shaving:


- Bathe every day.

Clothing etc.

- Change your underwear every day.
- Wash your underwear at high temperatures – at least 60°C .
- Don’t share your towel with others (to avoid transmitting any infection).

Shaving gear etc.

- Clean your razor after use.
- Make sure your razor is completely clean before use (you can disinfect it with boiling water).
- Replace your razor often.
- Don’t share your razor with others (to avoid transmitting any infection).

Shaving foam etc.

- Use shaving foam to avoid cuts and irritation of the skin (preferably an antibacterial and disinfectant shaving foam – there is one in particular which we highly recommend).
- Use an antibacterial lotion after shaving (it helps keep the majority of bacteria at bay).
- Always shave with the grain (in the direction the hair grows).


Keep your beard clean (if you have one).
Grow your beard occasionally (to give the hair follicles a rest).

Itching, flushing, buds, ingrown hairs or, colloquially, just: beard plague. We all know it. But what is it? How does it occur? How much is it contagious?
And what do we do once we get it?

How should you shave?

When you shave, it’s a good idea to establish a routine to minimise the risk of irritating your skin. In addition to the tips listed above, we therefore recommend that you follow this shaving guide. This is especially important if you don’t use ShaveSafe.

Shaving guide:

  1. Remove any ingrown hairs.
  2. Moisten your skin with warm water. Or shave in the shower. The warm water helps soften the hairs for an easier shave.
  3. Spread an even layer of foam on the desired area and shave immediately. If you’re shaving your legs, shave one leg and rinse, then do the other leg.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with water – preferably cold water as it closes the pores and minimises the risk of irritation.
  5. Apply cream or lotion afterwards, if desired. But make sure it is fragrance-free and preferably antibacterial, too.

Waxing guide:

  1. Remove any ingrown hairs.
  2. Wash skin thoroughly with ShaveSafe, but not the bikini line. The skin there is so thin that the wax can stick too much if the skin is too clean.
  3. Wax the area.
  4. Wash the skin again immediately after waxing while the pores are still open, preferably in the shower.
  5. Rinse with water, preferably cold.
  6. Apply cream or lotion afterwards, if desired. But make sure it’s fragrance-free.
  7. Wash the area with ShaveSafe every day after waxing to avoid ingrown hairs.

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